With our Supply Chain Communication Software, you create new opportunities and respond faster. It streamlines data and communication to secure visibility.
Data silos and disjointed communication in your supply chain adds risk. It creates new silos and multiple versions of the truth. This leads to delays and poor outcomes. That adds errors, wastage and cost.
Changes in data empowers your supply chain to trigger engagement. This ensures near real-time Supply Chain Communication. That allows you to detect changes and respond faster.
Our Supply Chain Communication Software can communicate changes as data changes. This enables your supply chain to communicate changes in a trusted way. That unlocks opportunities and streamlines processes. This creates new opportunities, reducing errors, wastage and cost.
You can easily integrate our Supply Chain Communication Software. It allows you to build on existing investments. This reduces delivery risk and cost.
With our software you can create a connected, engaged supply chain. That secures a responsive supply chain. A responsive supply chain improves outcomes and allows you to drive efficiencies. That reduces costs and creates new opportunities.
You can contact us here, to learn more about our Supply Chain Communication Software.
Why do you need our Supply Chain Communication Software?
Silos across supply chain partners block digital ability to unlock the value of Supply Chain Communication.
Digital and its underlying connectivity can ensure relevant, secure near real-time data gets used and shared with partners to unlock engagement and near real-time Supply Chain Communication. But, the lines of business, database and communication silos block this value.
The data and communication silos have driven data into disjointed processes and tasks. These processes increase errors, wastage and risk. That adds cost and slows down the flow of goods and financial transactions across supply chain partners.
Supply Chain Communication silos and data rely on copying data to new silos across lines of business and partners. That creates multiple versions of the truth, leading to poor decisions, adding risk and time.
The silos create manual tasks, driving supply chain communication into paper processes. These create risk and impede the value of the digital first supply chain.
Digital enables seamless near real-time, data-driven Supply Chain Communication. But, this opportunity hasn't been leveraged.
How does digital and its underlying connectivity secure real-time Supply Chain Communication?
Digital ensures fine-grained access to secure, trusted data. It allows you to wrap a single version of the data with access controls. These access controls get used to notify people and/or things when data changes. This unlocks the opportunity to secure near real-time Supply Chain Communication.
Digital underlying connectivity ensures the correct data gets access when and where it's needed. This removes the need to chase knowledge across lines of business and supply chain partners. That ensures your supply chain to communications get attached to a single version of the data.
Digital and its underlying connectivity creates an opportunity to secure near real-time Supply Chain Communication. It enables you to build on existing database investments. But, this opportunity hasn't been leveraged.
Don't miss out.
Download your FREE case study.
See how others benefit from:
- Removing duplicated effort.
- Faster time to value.
- Lower ongoing costs.
- Collaboration.
- Higher quality information.
Get it now. Complete your name and email address below. Then click "DOWNLOAD".
G8CC, a solution to leverage data to unlock Supply Chain Communication.
G8CC harnesses existing databases with fine-grained access controls. This enables Supply Chains to create a near real-time, data-driven shared data solution. That data solution underpins engagement, collaboration and automation, securing near real-time Supply Chain Communication.
G8CC creates a distributed data platform that secures seamless data sharing. It gets deployed in cloud or on-premises infrastructure, enabling you to stay compliant and secure real-time Supply Chain Communication.
G8CC has a low learning curve. This enables you to create value faster, building on existing data sources. That empowers you to unlock Supply Chain Communication at a lower risk.
G8CC connects to many popular databases used in Supply Chains. This enables you to build on existing investments, reducing cost and risk.
G8CC includes connectors for:
G8CC underpins:
- B2B Data Integration.
- Secure Supplier Collaboration.
- Supply Chain Management for Small Business.
- Supply Chain Collaboration.
- Secure Data Sharing.
- Supply Chain Data Management.
- Supply Chain Integration Software.
- cloud supply chain software
- integrated supply chain management
- Supply Chain business networks software.
- Supply Chain collaboration processes.
- Supply Chain Information Flow.
- Supply Chain Visibility and Collaboration Platform.
- Information Sharing in a supply chain.
- Supply Chain Transparency.
- Real-time supply chain data visibility.
At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transformation to an Integrated, Collaborative Supply Chain Communication. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly communication. Our experience allows us to:
- Support data architecture design.
- Provide Database Integration.
- Deliver automated work-flows
- Build views and real-time data streams.
- Train IT and end users.
Contact GARNET8 today and start your journey to a modern, agile, scaleable, data-driven Supply Chain Communication solution.
With G8CC you can:
Deploy anywhere.
Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.
Access Management.
G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.
Save Money.
Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.