Outperform competitors and reduce risk with Data Driven workflows.

Real-time Data Driven workflows reduce risk and error. They get triggered when information changes. That drives efficiencies.

To unlock the value of Data Driven Workflows you must harness data. Harnessing data allows you to trigger real-time change. That unlocks a competitive advantage.

Data Driven Workflow are a sequence of automated functions. These functions manage processes and tasks. They replace manual tasks, reducing the risk and chance of error.

To unlock the value of Data Driven Workflows you must harness data. This allows you to trigger an automated event when data changes.


Businesses of all sizes and Supply Chains have a patchwork of silos. This sprawls data across systems blocking the ability to trigger workflows. That is because you have a number of places to trigger Data Driven workflows. These impede value and add complexity.

You've used Data Hubs, Warehouses and EDI's. But, these copy data from one silo to another in a new format. This increases complexity and risk. This hasn't overcome silos, it has created a new one. That has increased risk and left you chasing knowledge.

Creating Data Driven Workflows provides an opportunity. It allows you to drive efficiencies, reducing risk and cost. That delivers a competitive advantage.

Creating a foundation for Data Driven Workflows.

A distributed data mesh overcomes the patchwork of silos. The distributed mesh integrates, joins-up and manages workflows across silos. This empowers you to trigger automated data-driven workflows.

The distributed data mesh build a real-time secure data layer. This data layer unlocks the value, reducing risk and wastage.

To build a foundation for Data Driven Workflows you must understand your data architecture. If you undertook reviews for GDPR you will have a lot of this information.

Solutions such as G8CC allow you to start small and easily scale your data-driven workflows.

G8CC harnesses data into a distributed data mesh. This allows you to trigger processes when data changes. This gets done within and across traditional borders. It creates a B2B middleware that manages automation. That supports processes across business ecosystems and supply chains.

5 Steps to get started with our simple data-driven workflows.

Step 1:

Watch our short screencast "Personalised Data Sharing Platform".

Step 2:

See how much money you can save. Use our simple Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Calculator.

Step 3:

Contact GARNET8 to discuss options.

Step 4:

Easily configure and personalise your Data Sharing Platform.

Step 5:

Save time and money, building on value.