Secure value in a digital business platform.

Create agility and resilience, enabling robust data-driven collaboration, decisions and automation in a simple, scalable digital business platform.

Detect changes, respond faster and mitigate disruption with a Digital Business Platform. Unlock agility and enable faster, better outcomes.

Lines of business, database, spreadsheet and partner silos impede outcomes. They drive collaboration into disjointed processes. This leads to manual processes, increasing risk and cost.

Your silos across lines of business and partners impede digital transformation. They've led to high risk, high cost integration. This gets used to sync information across silos. That leads to more data, more security, more risk, more management, more wastage and more cost.

Digital and its underlying connectivity creates an opportunity. It enables you to reuse data across silos. This creates a unified view of trusted information in a digital business platform. That empowers agility, allowing you to reuse and build on existing investments.

Your digital business platform empowers you to secure, share, collaborate on and automate trusted data. This enables you to meet challenges and secure business continuity, driving efficiencies.

Harness data to secure your digital business platform.

To secure the future you have a need to secure, share, collaborate on and automate data. Your digital business platform secures and unlocks this value.

To maximise the value of your information you must be able to access it. Your digital business platform has a need to harness silos to create a unified view of information.

By harnessing data your digital business platform enables you to extend and join-up information across silos. This delivers a faster time to value, at a lower cost of delivery. That enables you to do more for less in the future.

Your digital business platform creates agility by harnessing data. That is because you can reuse this data to build new IT systems or feed into real-time analytics systems. That empowers you to reuse and extend existing investments, lowering delivery risk and cost.

Secure your digital business platform with G8CC.

G8CC provides a simple, powerful solution to secure, share, collaborate on and automate data. This enables you to create a structured digital business platform.

G8CC harnesses and reuses data from existing databases. This removes the need to sync and secure data across multiple silos. That removes the rigid, high risk, high cost integration. This empowers you to reuse and build on existing investments, reducing time to value.

G8CC enables you to trigger automated processes as information changes. This enables you to unlock real-time digital business automation. That creates a simple, extendable data-driven, automated platform.

G8CC creates reusable views across a distributed network of platforms. This enables you to govern, secure, share and reuse information across partners. That creates a unified view of secure, trusted, agile data.

G8CC creates unique objects with unique governance. This provides a granular access management solution. That enables you to share and extend information across traditional borders.

G8CC has a low learning curve. Its low code builder and built in connectors allow you to create value faster. This enables you to use existing Javascript and SQL skills.

G8CC includes connectors to many popular databases used in Business and the Public Sector. These connectors allow you to reuse and extend data from existing sources. That empowers you to build on investments with minimal effort.

G8CC includes database connectors for:

G8CC empowers you to quickly and easily create an agile digital business platform.

G8CC unlocks value for:

At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transition to a seamless Digital Business Platform. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:

  • Support data architecture design.
  • Provide Database Integration.
  • Deliver automated work-flows
  • Build views and real-time data streams.
  • Train IT and end users.

Contact GARNET8 today. Start your journey to a modern, agile, scaleable, secure Digital Business Platform.