Enable supplier integration in your supply chain

Create an integrated, seamless view of supplier information, improving supply chain agility and purchasing decisions.

Supplier silos impede upstream integration. They add wastage and cost, leading to disjointed collaboration, impeding decisions and outcomes.

Your lack of supplier integration impedes agility. It leads to greater disruption, blocking your supply chain visibility. That adds wastage, risk and cost. Digital provides an opportunity to create agility and resilience across supplier integration in your supply chain.


To unlock this resilience and agility your supply chain must be able to secure, share, collaborate on and automate data. This empowers you to access and make decisions on trusted information created by suppliers. That enables you to make faster, better decisions, improving outcomes.

The ability to access data empowers you to integrate horizontal and vertical processes across your supply chain. This enables flexible purchasing and upstream data visibility. That allows you to improve inventory management, leading to fewer understocked and overstocked conditions.

Accessing trusted data underpins a loosely connected supply chain. This enables you to control fluctuating demand and prices. That empowers you to reduce wastage, delivering more accurate and timely supplies.

The ability to secure supplier integration in your supply chain enables you to overcome challenges. These challenges being:


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  • Changes to orders in your supply chain.
  • Reduced capacity or inability to scale.
  • Lack of or disruption to the delivery of materials.
  • Poor communications.
  • Break down in supplier relations.

The use of loosely connected data supports Supply Chain Visibility enabling you to secure Supply Chain Collaboration. That allows you to mitigate risk caused by these challenges.

How to secure and unlock Supplier Integration in Supply Chain.

To secure and unlock Supplier Collaboration and Integration in your supply chain your supply chain ecosystem must be able to share information. This enables your supply chain ecosystem to build trust and make faster, higher quality decisions. That supports greater accuracy and more timely supplies, reducing costs and wastage.

Real-time supply chain data visibility improves inventory management. That reduces wastage and enables agility. This secures purchasing and removes overstocking, supporting greater efficiencies across suppliers and the supply chain.

To secure supplier data sharing supply chains must harness existing database silos. This empowers your supply chain to create a unified data platform.

Your unified data platform integrates existing database silos, building on and reusing investments. This reduces time to value and ongoing costs. That creates agility, enabling your supply chain to configure new supplier information faster.

G8CC, A unified data platform for Supplier Integration in Supply Chain.

G8CC enables your supply chain to secure, share, collaborate on and automate your supplier data. This empowers you to create a unified view across vertical and horizontal processes in your supply chain.

G8CC provides a secure business data sharing platform. It enables you to quickly configure and integrate governed data from existing or new suppliers. This empowers your supply chain to share information, enabling visibility and collaboration.

G8CC has a low learning curve and gets configured in infrastructure that suits your needs. This supports a faster time to value and compliance needs. That allows you to do more for less.

G8CC integrates existing database silos. It includes connectors for many popular databases used in supply chains. These databases include:

G8CC empowers supply chains to prioritise supplier integration. It unlocks value for:

At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transition to seamless real-time supplier integration. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:

  • Support data architecture design.
  • Provide Database Integration.
  • Deliver automated work-flows
  • Build views and real-time data streams.
  • Train IT and end users.

Contact GARNET8 today. Start your journey to a modern, agile, scaleable, secure real-time supplier integrated solution.

With G8CC you can:

Deploy anywhere.

Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.

Access Management.

G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.

Save Money.

Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.

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