Coherent encryption by default.

  • Salted, one-time-pad, plus 256 AES encryption for data at rest.
  • HMAC signature for read verification.
  • Bring your own encryption and service key.
  • SSL for Client and Peer-2-Peer communications.
  • Manage where you store your data.
  • Configuration for two factor authentication.
  • Salted, SHA256 hashed email credentials.
  • Default Blowfish password encryption.
  • Request, outbound and data access logging.

Data Encryption in GARNET8 Collaboration Clouds (G8CC).

Managing your information encryption at rest.

Simple, coherent information management that's encrypted by default. GARNET8 Collaboration Clouds (G8CC) treats each peer as a silo for encryption. This allows you to manage where your data's stored, it's encryption key and governance. This allows you to focus on delivering a structured solution that empowers your organisation.

Encrypying credentials, in transit and logging.

G8CC's built in credential and password encryption allows you to focus on process needs. The pre-built logging framework enables you to monitor and manage information access, with SSL and G8CC peer-to-peer authentication enabling in transit security. Empowering you to deliver faster time-to-value, with lower total cost of ownership.

Making encryption simple, so you can build on the value of information.