To get the greatest value from data you must be able to access and use it. Your Enterprise Data Layer ensures secure real-time data access in a scalable solution that makes data usage simple.
Your Enterprise Data Layer overcomes the challenges of data silos and different data formats. It enables data to be securely accessed, linked-up, integrated, collaborated on and automated in a scalable system. That ensures the right people and/or things have secure access to the right data at the right time.
The ability to easily reuse data in a secure layer drives efficiency. It allows IT to onboard new data sources faster, to improve management and integration.
Your Enterprise Data Layer makes IT simple for Business or Government Departments. It allows you to reuse the risk of project failure, empowering you to focus on using and creating value from data. That enables you to do more for less.
To get started creating an Enterprise Data Layer your Business or Government Department must harness the flexibility of digital and its underlying connectivity. That empowers you to support a data-driven architecture that is compliant and secure.
How do you harness digital to create an Enterprise Data Layer?
This can be broken down into three simple steps.
The first step is to utilise digital flexibility to secure data access. This data access becomes the foundation to create a simple to use and scale Enterprise Data Layer. Digital provides the flexibility to ensure fine-grained data access control. These controls allow you to only share the data needed. That creates the base to secure ongoing data integration, collaboration and automation.
Digital underlying connectivity allows you to secure and use single versions of data. This connectivity allows data to be stored and retrieved from the place of its creation. That gives the data owner greater controls, to ensure compliance. The second step is to harness this connectivity to enable greater data security and usage. That builds trust and improves data quality.
The third step of the Enterprise Data Layer is an access point and interface. These access points can be a single platform or group of platforms using a network to route data requests to the relevant place. The platforms combine data using simple defined structures. These structures can combine data from a single source or multiple sources across geographical locations. The controls to access the combined data are the fine-grained access management outlined in step one.
These steps create a system that drives efficiencies across IT. It enables your Business or Government Department to onboard data faster. That reduces ongoing development, integration and automation costs, allowing you to do more for less.
The steps above are what we've used to provide a flexible off the shelf Enterprise Data Layer solution. G8CC our solution provides a simple, yet powerful way to streamline real-time data access, integration, collaboration and automation to drive long term opportunities.
Contact us here and secure the connectivity and flexibility digital unlocks to create an Enterprise Data Layer.
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See how others benefit from:
- Removing duplicated effort.
- Faster time to value.
- Lower ongoing costs.
- Collaboration.
- Higher quality information.
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What is G8CC?
G8CC's a software solution that creates a decentralised network of platforms. Each platform controls access to users and data. Data can be stored within a G8CC platform or a connected database.
G8CC allows Businesses and Governments to securely access, share and reuse a single version of data across departments and partners. The data can be combined across platforms without the data owner losing physical or logical control of their data. This supports an innovative Enterprise Data Layer, that's simple to extend.
G8CC provides a single point of entry to data distributed across operation, transaction and other data silos. This layer creates a unified view of data that's simple to integrate and manage. This reduces errors, wastage, cost and the risk of a data breach, lowering IT debt and increasing productivity.
G8CC works by harnessing access to a unique data object. By securing access to a unique data object the data owner keeps physical and logical control of their data. That allows them to add, remove or update access management at any point in the data lifecycle. This creates the first step explained above.
Building security around a unique data object enables access to a known number of collaborators. That ensures a known number of collaborators have access to the right data when and where it's needed. This reduces errors, wastage and time across your Enterprise Data Layer.
G8CC enables you to combine secure data across your Enterprise Data Layer. This creates agility and adds value because you're constantly extending data within a trusted environment. That reduces IT debt, time to value and ongoing costs.
The ability to combine unique data objects across silos allows you to start small and easily scale data integration and management across databases and partners. This empowers your Enterprise to demonstrate value, reducing delivery risk and cost.
G8CC has built in connectors to many popular Enterprise Databases. These connectors reuses and build on existing investments, reducing time to value and delivery risk.
G8CC includes database connectors for:
G8CC creates a linked/connected graph of data across your Enterprise Data Layer. This graph can be internally or across your partners. That provides a single point of entry linked/connected data. This data can easily get aggregated into a single view. That reduces the wastage and disturbance created by chasing knowledge.
G8CC has a low learning curve and allows you to use existing skills. This allows your Enterprise to reduce delivery cost and risk when implementing an Enterprise Data Layer.
Contact us here to start your journey to a secure and simple to scale Enterprise Data Layer.
Learn more about G8CC by:
G8CC creates a simple, scalable Enterprise Data Layer for:
- B2B Data Integration.
- Supply Chain Visibility.
- Supplier Collaboration Software.
- Supply Chain Management for Small Business.
- Supply Chain Collaboration Software.
- Secure Data Sharing.
- Multi Enterprise Collaboration.
- Creating Supply Chain Agility and Resilience.
- Healthcare data management.
- Integrate Government Data into a unified platform.
- Secure Public Sector Data
How to build your Enterprise Data Layer with G8CC.
Firstly your Enterprise needs to understand its data and who needs access to it. For this we recommend building a tree diagram. The diagram connects up data into a simple to understand visualisation.
Each node in your tree diagram comprises a data structure and where that data is stored. The data structure defines titles for each data object and where the data is located.
You can then move on to defining who needs access to the data. Access can be granted to an individual or a group with G8CC. The individual or individuals in a group can access the data through the same or other G8CC platforms. This defines a known number of collaborators and creates a seamless Enterprise Data Layer to the end user.
From here you can define what infrastructure your Enterprise needs. G8CC can then get configured and you can use its simple low code builder to define data structures and connect to databases.
This simplifies the delivery of your Enterprise Data Layer, allowing you to start small and easily scale.
At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transition to an integrated data fabric. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:
- Support data architecture design.
- Provide Database Integration.
- Deliver automated work-flows
- Build views and real-time data streams.
- Train IT and end users.
Contact GARNET8 today. Start your journey to a modern, agile, scaleable, secure Enterprise Data Fabric solution.
With G8CC you can:
Deploy anywhere.
Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.
Access Management.
G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.
Save Money.
Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.