Fragmented data and poor, disjointed integration are blocking your Supply Chains visibility and collaboration. Our Supply Chain Data Integration Software creates a seamless data layer, to secure agility, collaboration, automation and visibility.
Digital creates an opportunity for secure Supply Chain Integration. But, Digital Transformation in Supply Chains have led to silos and data getting copied across processes. This has led to complex, disjointed integration. That's blocking value and your ability to unlock secure real-time data.
Our Supply Chain Data Integration Software creates the seamless data layer that connects your supply chain ecosystem. It enables data to be integrated, shared, collaborated on and automated. That creates agility and enables faster time to value. This reduces ongoing errors, wastage and risk across Supply Chain Partners.
How do you benefit with our Supply Chain Data Integration Software? You benefit from:
Reduced complexity.
Simplify data access and management to enable faster, simpler integration and ongoing data usage.
Increased visibility.
Enable real-time access, engagement and automation of data to secure ongoing value across Supply Chain partners.
Improved Collaboration and Engagement.
Enable real-time notifications as data changes to reduce errors, enabling you to mitigate risk.
Lower Costs.
By simplifying data access and integration to enable improved visibility and collaboration across your supply chain.
Creating agility.
With the reuse of trusted data across silos. To enable faster onboarding of new partners and data sources.
Better Decisions.
Improve data quality and access to better visualise changes to improve decisions.
You can contact us here to learn more about Supply Chain Data integration software, or take a tour of how it makes integrating data simple.
How is our Supply Chain Data Integration Software different?
Our solution doesn't create a new data silo unlike Data Hubs, Lakes or Warehouses.
Data Hubs, Lakes and Warehouses copy data from existing silos into a new much bigger, more cumbersome and more expensive silo. That adds higher costs and impedes Supply Chain partners' desire to contribute data. That's because partners lose physical and logical control of their data. This impedes compliance and their ownership/governance of integrated data.
Our solution differs. It creates a network of platforms that mirrors your supply chain processes with trusted data. Each platform connects to and reuses data from existing silos. This removes the need to copy data to a new silos and allows data owners complete control over their shared data.
Existing systems don't have flexible access management. This means that partners have access to all data or no data. That impedes your Supply Chains ability to share and contribute trusted data. That intern blocks Supply Chain Data Integration.
With our Supply Chain Data Integration Software your secure data access through your platform(s). It manages fine-grained access controls to shared data. This creates a single version of reusable data to collaborate on, integrate, connect/link-up and automate across your supply chain. That supports real-time data management with flexible data access, allowing you and your Supply Chain partners to contribute trusted, secure data.
Other Supply Chain Data Integration solutions rely on syncing data across silos. This adds wastage and cost, creating greater IT complexity as it duplicates data across silos. This creates more data, more management, more infrastructure, more security and more costs around duplicated not integrated data.
G8CC our Supply Chain Integration solution connects to and integrates data from existing sources. This allows IT to use pre-existing skills to integrate and manage data across silos, without the need for complex, high cost sync solutions. That allows you to secure existing silos.
Our solution G8CC provides a simple, yet powerful way to secure Supply Chain Data Integration. It creates agility and reduces costs. This allows you and your Supply Chain Partners to focus on integration, collaboration, automation and real-time data management.
Contact us here today to start a conversation about improving your Supply Chain Data Integration.
Don't miss out.
Download your FREE case study.
See how others benefit from:
- Removing duplicated effort.
- Faster time to value.
- Lower ongoing costs.
- Collaboration.
- Higher quality information.
Get it now. Complete your name and email address below. Then click "DOWNLOAD".
How to get started with our Supply Chain Integration Software.
To secure Supply Chain Data Integration you must combine data across process sources. Firstly you must understand where the data sources are and the format of the data. There are a number of questions you may need to ask for each process silo. These being:
- What is the Supply Chain process that is creating the data?
- Where is the silo geographically located?
- Is the silo a database, flat/text file.
- What formats can the data be accessed in.
- Is the data duplicated across multiple silos and which has the best quality?
- Who has access to the data and what compliance is in place to move forward.
- Who needs access to it and how does this data help visibility.
- What are the risks of not having access to this data?
- When can this data get integrated?
- What data is this connected to? This is a question that's missed when designing Supply Chain Data Integration. But, it allows your Supply Chain to create a graph that makes data easier to find, follow and understand.
A branch diagram is a simple way to visualise the independent silos. Each node within the diagram answers the above questions. With each branch connecting data across silos. This builds the flow for your integration.
The branch diagram will help visualise stakeholder buy-in. This will streamline your Supply Chain Data Integration and reduce delivery risk. That's because you have created a holistic view of data sources and what it means for the data owner.
Within each node of the branch diagram you can explain the benefit to a stakeholder. The stakeholder could be a decision maker or a data owner. This will help understand how they can create value by contributing data and/or resources.
Next, you can look at how Supply Chain Data Integration allows you to streamline and improve processes. It can help you detect changes, by triggering new automation as data changes. That improves engagement allowing you to mitigate risk. This reduces errors and manual tasks.
G8CC makes this information simple to integrate across your Supply Chain.
With G8CC each node in the branch diagram becomes a G8CC Form. Each form manages data structure, third party data source integration and access. You can integrate data from multiple data sources into a single form. These forms are built using the drag n' drop Form builder. This makes it simple to combine data into a unified view.
G8CC Forms get seamlessly embedded into other Forms. This makes integrating and extending data simple. That allows you to start small and easily scale your Supply Chain Data Integration.
G8CC Forms have built-in access management. This access is defined at a granular level. The granular or fine-grained access management allows the data owner to only share the data needed.
The G8CC platform harnesses a unique Zero-Copy Data Sharing and Integration system. This empowers the data owner to keep physical and logical control of their data. This supports compliance and creates a single version of the truth.
G8CC allows you to easily build a unified view of data across your supply chain. It provides a flexible platform and views to enable Supply Chain Data Integration.
You can contact us here to learn more about G8CC, or take a tour of how to build views with G8CC here.
G8CC provides a faster time to value. That is because it includes pre-built connectors for many popular databases used in your supply chain. It includes connectors for:
At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transformation to an Integrated, Collaborative Supply Chain. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:
- Support data architecture design.
- Provide Database Integration.
- Deliver automated work-flows
- Build views and real-time data streams.
- Train IT and end users.
Contact GARNET8 today. Start your journey to a modern, agile, scaleable, secure Supply Chain Data Integration and Collaboration Platform.
With G8CC you can:
Deploy anywhere.
Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.
Access Management.
G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.
Save Money.
Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.