Improve data quality, lower risk and speed up time to value by securing access to lines of business data.
What is blocking the value of Lines of Business Data?
Silos storing Lines of Business Data block access to trusted information. These silos have led to disjointed collaboration, data sharing and management. This has created multiple versions of the truth and poor quality data. That blocks your ability to use lines of business data, impeding agility, risking compliance.
Lines of business data silos reside in your organisation and partners. This drives collaboration and data sharing into Email, Phone, IM systems and rigid, high cost integration.
The of unstructured collaboration systems such as Email, Phone and IM make data harder to analyse and increase risk of error. That is because data gets copied across systems in manual processes. These manual processes increase the chance of errors and compliance risk. The compliance risk increases because data gets stored in personal silos. These personal silos add the risk of data breaches and change if a line of business employee leaves.
The rigid, high cost integration blocks agility. That because it's reliant on syncing data across silos, with little knowledge about who and how data gets accessed in the new silo. This duplicates security, storage and lines of business data management cost.
These two solution to share lines of business data haven't harnessed the flexibility digital provides. They've replicated the paper processes that managed lines of business data into a digital format. This is explained with:
- Filing cabinets becoming database silos.
- Paper ledgers merging into spreadsheets.
- Letters, fax and face to face conversations getting substituted for Email, Phone and IM.
How does digital create an opportunity to secure the value of lines of business data?
Digital ensures fine-grained access to data. This empowers lines of business data to get shared with and collaborated on by a trusted number of people or things. That improves data quality and secures compliance.
Digital allows lines of business data to get secured in a single version of the truth. This truth gets combine to unlock agility. That lowers risk, time to value and ongoing costs.
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See how others benefit from:
- Removing duplicated effort.
- Faster time to value.
- Lower ongoing costs.
- Collaboration.
- Higher quality information.
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Digital underlying connectivity allows lines of business data to gets accessed when and where it's needed. This access to data removes the silos created by disjointed data sharing and collaboration. That reduces the risk of data and compliance breaches.
Digital underlying connectivity allows a single data object to get combined across lines of business and partner systems. This builds trust, strengthens partners, secures information and reduces on-boarding costs. That creates agility and resilience across lines of business.
Business and the Public Sector have a need to harness lines of business data. It ensures the can detect changes, respond faster and mitigate risk. Digital provides an opportunity to harness lines of business data that isn't getting exploited in current solutions.
G8CC a simple solution to secure lines of business data.
G8CC empowers you to build on lines of business data, accelerating your digital transformation. This creates agility, reducing delivery risk and ongoing cost.
G8CC's a simple, innovative, yet powerful shared data solution.
G8CC empowers lines of business to harness existing silos, enabling them to secure and shared trusted data.
G8CC includes a unique system to ensure fine-grained access to data. This data gets shared with a known number of people or things. That secures the value of lines of business data.
G8CC includes connectors for many popular databases used in Business and the Public Sectors. It includes connectors for:
G8CC provides an innovate lines of business data solution for:
- B2B Data Integration.
- Secure Supplier Collaboration.
- Supply Chain Management for Small Business.
- Supply Chain Collaboration.
- Secure Data Sharing.
- Multi Enterprise Collaboration.
- Building a Public Sector Data Platform.
- Unified Patient Record in Healthcare.
At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transformation to an Integrated, Collaborative Supply Chain. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:
- Support data architecture design.
- Provide Database Integration.
- Deliver automated work-flows
- Build views and real-time data streams.
- Train IT and end users.
Contact GARNET8 today and start your journey to a secure lines of business data creating agility.
With G8CC you can:
Deploy anywhere.
This supports data compliance. That reduces risk and allows you to integrate it with existing strategies.
Govern data.
This empowers you to reuse and extend data value. That creates faster time to value, supporting collaboration.
Save Money.
Harness and build on the value of data. This empowers you to reduce deliver and ongoing costs.