Collaborative Data Management drives faster outcomes and improves data quality.

Our solution empowers you to efficiently migrate from disjointed, disruptive, untrusted, replicative structured data management to a Collaborative Data Management platform.

Business and Government data silos have driven data into disjointed collaboration. These silos block collaborative data management and have led to poor quality data. That impedes analysis and decisions.

Our solution makes it simple to streamline data access. It enables data to get reused across departments and data silos. This secures collaborative data management and enables outgoing IT agility.

G8CC provides a simple, distributed platform to enable collaborative data management. It unifies data access across departments and database/spreadsheet silos into a scalable data interface. This creates a powerful solution to reuse and combine data to secure collaboration and data management. That enables your Business or Government and its partners/departments to collaborate on a single version of data across traditional silos.

Learn how G8CC can create a simple, scaleable Collaborative Data Management Solution by:

By securing a single version of data with G8CC the data owner keeps physical or logical control of their data. This improves compliance, builds trust and improves data quality. That's because you're enabling collaboration on a single version of the truth.

The ability to reuse and combine a single version of data creates agility. It lowers time to value and IT delivery risk. This allows your Business or Government department to focus on generating value from data.

Securing and reusing a single data object improves how your Business or Government manage data. It enables you to collaborate on secure, trusted data. This improves outcomes and creates agility. That reduces errors, wastage and costs. To learn more about G8CC and how it enables collaborative data management, contact us here today.

Using G8CC as a Collaborative Data Management solution empowers Businesses and Governments to:

  • Break down silos, increasing the value and quality of data.
  • Build upon and reuse data, increasing agility, lowering ongoing delivery costs.
  • Reduce licensing and management costs, allowing them to improve their use of budgets.
  • Create a governed, trusted, agile, collaborative data management platform.
  • Use a low risk software framework to deliver loosely coupled, simple, decentralised, Collaborative Data Management.
  • Deliver continuously evolving collaborative, governed, data management solutions that starts small and easily scales.

But, your Collaborative Data Management gets blocked by.

Lines of Business, Database and Partner silos. These silos have led to disjointed data management driving collaboration into incoherent processes and tasks. That has led to new silos and multiple versions of data. This creates to an inconsistent picture of data impeding decisions. That adds errors, wastage and risk.

To secure collaborative data management lines of business and things must be able to access information. This empowers them to collaborate and add value to trusted data. That improves data quality, unlocks collaboration and secures collaborative data management.

Access to trusted information enables lines of business and front-line staff to access information when and where it's needed. This removes the need to chase knowledge, reducing wastage, disturbance and cost. Collaborative Data Management unlocks secure data collaboration, enabling you to add value to data.

Business and the Public Sector must reuse existing silos to unlock Collaborative Data Management. The ability to reuse database silos empowers them to secure, share, join-up, collaborate on and automate existing data and investments. That reduces delivery risk and ongoing cost.

Harnessing database silos allows Business and the Public Sector to build on existing investments. This enables them to unlock Collaborative Data Management in a secure, unified platform.

The unified platform provides trusted access to coherent, collaborative information. This information gets governed and shared in a Collaborative Data Management Solution. This solution enables Business and the Public Sector to reuse and join-up data. That reduces time to value and ongoing costs.

Business and the Public Sector can accelerate digital transformation with a simple, agile, Collaborative Data Management Platform. Click here to take our interactive, guided tour here to see how you can easily achieve this.

Release the value of data with a Collaborative Data Management Platform.

G8CC provides a simple, scalable platform to secure, share, join-up, collaborate on and automate trusted data. It creates a unified view of information that secure Collaborative Data Management.

G8CC's decentralised design easily enables you to build upon the value of governed, structured data and collaboration. It creates a decentralised data mesh that enables Business and the Public Sector to share and collaborate on trusted information across traditional borders. This maximises the flexibility, agility and governance of digital, providing faster, collaborative outcomes, reducing risk and costs.

Don't miss out.

Download your FREE case study.

See how others benefit from:

  • Removing duplicated effort.
  • Faster time to value.
  • Lower ongoing costs.
  • Collaboration.
  • Higher quality information.

Get it now. Complete your name and email address below. Then click "DOWNLOAD".


G8CC's loosely coupled design empowers you to collaboratively build upon the value of data. In our interactive, guided tour here we demonstrates the simplicity and value you can create using G8CC.

G8CC includes connectors for many popular databases used in Business and the Public Sector. This enables a faster outcomes, building on existing investments, lowering ongoing costs. G8CC includes connectors for:

G8CC provides a simple, yet powerful Collaborative Data Management solution to unlock:

4 Steps to secure Collaborative Data Management with G8CC.

  1. Your need to understand your data. This means exporting databases schema's and sample data. Your also need to collect information from spreadsheets, this includes row headers and sample data. When doing this keep notes of data owners and table/file names, this will help when building your new App structures and in your migration.

  2. Next your need to understand the flow of data through processes and tasks, this includes data capture (creation of data), collaboration (view and edit) and lastly visualisation. You should note down the tools currently used within the visualisation process, these can be reused if they support real-time data streams.

    You should also ask people within processes and tasks what information would empower them to make better decisions. This should be taken into account and integrated within the transformation.

    Create wire diagrams visualise that flow of information and how its value is extended. Within these diagrames include notes about the process or tasks, governance, the data structures needed to support the process or task and any visualisation or automation information. This will enable you to explain the migration to front line staff in terms they understand, helping them understand the change and how they will benefit.

  3. Once you have the data and how it flows through processes and tasks you can abstract out duplication. The duplicated information should be abstracted into concise, simple, small structured data objects, with governance information. These can then be governed and reused across processes and tasks, enabling you to join up and build upon the value of your data, allowing you to easily extend systems.

    Using G8CC's governance and collaboration means these objects can also be reused across organisation boundaries.

    For example in:

    • Government Departments or Healthcare Institutions an Address and Persons Details (First Name, Last Name, Date Of Birth, Email Address ...) would be reused across all departments and institutions to provides a holistic, joined up view of the citizen. The Address are separated from the Citizen as this Apps data can be reused to describe address details for Businesses, external Government Departments... The Citizen also will move during their life, separating the Address details provides a auditable trial of information within the Citizen data when using G8CC as your Collaborative Data Management Platform.
    • A supply chain a package, consignment, container or vehicles information would be reused and extend.
  4. Lastly configure your G8CC platform, easily build the Apps that mirror your process and tasks needs, then import your data. The simple intuitive interface and knowledge people have within tasks enables faster time to value, as they have information at their fingertips.

If you haven't already take our simple, interactive guided tour, to see how you can easily create a Collaborative Data Management solution, that mirrors your organisations needs. Click here for the tour.

At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transition to a seamless Intercompany Collaboration Platform. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:

  • Support data architecture design.
  • Provide Database Integration.
  • Deliver automated work-flows
  • Build views and real-time data streams.
  • Train IT and end users.

Contact GARNET8 today. Start your journey to a modern, agile, scaleable, secure Collaborative Data Management solution.