Secure new sources of value by ensuring secure, trusted Business Partner Collaboration.

Drive growth and efficiencies, creating agility and resilience. Secure Business Partner Collaboration enables your partner to detect changes and respond faster. This empowers them to mitigate risk and drive win-win opportunities.

Secure business partner collaboration allows businesses to access trusted information. This ensures they have access to reliable information when and where it is needed. That secures and unlocks the decision making process, driving down costs and enabling partners to unlock new value.

Business Partner Collaboration unlocks productivity, driving efficiencies, enabling new value sources. That creates a win-win for both parties, yelding benefits.


Lines of business, database and partner silos impede the flow of information. These have led to disjointed collaboration processes and block value for your business and its partners. This impedes the use of data as an asset across business partners.

Disjointed Business Partner Collaboration creates new silos and multiple versions of the truth. This blocks secure data collaboration and data visibility, increasing errors, wastage, risk and cost.

How does digital create value for Business Partner Collaboration?

Digital creates an opportunity to secure Business Partner Collaboration. To unlock this value business partners must harness and share information across silos. This empowers them to build on existing investments, unlocking new sources of governed trust. That creates new value for both partners by sharing trusted data and by collaborating to add value to the information.

Digital unlocks real-time data sharing. This creates a competitive advantage for Business Partners. That's because they can detect changes, respond faster and mitigate risk. This supports ongoing business continuity and a robust partnership, driven by trusted information.

The use of real-time data and engagement secures visibility for Business Partners. This allows them to make better decisions on more and higher quality information. This information gets streamlines and used across Business Partners, unlocking new sources of value, creating a win-win partnership.

Don't miss out.

Download your FREE case study.

See how others benefit from:

  • Removing duplicated effort.
  • Faster time to value.
  • Lower ongoing costs.
  • Collaboration.
  • Higher quality information.

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To secure the value of Business Partner Collaboration they must be able to harness existing silos. This empowers them to build on existing investments, unlocking a faster time to value. That enables Business Partners to focus on creating value.

Harness data to secure Business Partner Collaboration with G8CC.

G8CC empowers Business Partners to secure, share, collaborate on and automate trusted information. This empowers partners to extend and add value to high quality information. That ensures they make decisions on the right data, at the right time.

G8CC creates a unified, governed view of distributed data across Business Partners. This distributed data gets joined-up and aggregated into the unified view, enabling Business Partners to find the right information, when they need it. This secures and unlocks Business Partner Collaboration.

G8CC enables engagement when information changes. This empowers Business Partners to detect changes, respond faster and mitigate risk. That drives efficiencies.

G8CC allows Business Partners to start small and easily scale their collaboration. This empowers them to generate value and easily scale, reducing risk and ongoing costs.

G8CC has a low learning curve. This enables Business Partners of all sizes to use and generate value with it.

G8CC harnesses and builds on existing silos. This empowers Business Partners to streamline collaboration using existing investments. That creates agility and resilience.

G8CC includes connectors for many popular databases used in Businesses. These includes:

G8CC secures and unlocks Business Partner Collaboration value for:

At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transition to a seamless intercompany integration solution for supply chain. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:

  • Support data architecture design.
  • Provide Database Integration.
  • Deliver automated work-flows
  • Build views and real-time data streams.
  • Train IT and end users.

Contact GARNET8 today. Start your journey to a modern, agile, scaleable, secure intercompany integration solution for your supply chain.

Drive efficient Business Partner Collaboration, creating new value sources.

Contact us here today and secure your Business Partner Collaboration, enabling a win-win.

With G8CC you can:

Deploy anywhere.

Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.

Access Management.

G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.

Save Money.

Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.

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