Cloud Migration provides an opportunity and many benefits. But, you must first understand your needs, expertise and objectives.
Your Cloud migration allows you to create an automated, real-time foundation. This creates resilience and agility. That lowers ongoing costs.
Your database silos and data replication supporting processes impedes value. That is because you have multiple places. This makes it hard to manage and automate.
Your data architecture has become increasingly complicated. This has been caused be extracting data to new silos. These new silos are Data Warehouse and Data Hubs. These waste time and money duplicating data in a new format.
Your Cloud migration provides an opportunity to overcome this.
Understanding your Cloud Migration Objectives.
Your Cloud Migration can reduce costs, providing agility and flexibility. This allows you to modernise IT increasing productivity. This allows you to accelerates your Digital Journey.
But, your business objectives must dictate your Cloud Migration, not technology hype. Cloud migration allows you to break down silos and improve data management. This allows you to overcome mass data fragmentation. But, without a clear understanding of process and task needs, your Cloud Migration can easily fail. This causes it to overrun, run out of budget or deliver the same just in a different place.
You must understand how data and information is used. This understanding must seek how it's used within and across processes and tasks. This provides a foundation for your Cloud Migration. That will enable collaboration, governance, automation, security and compliance needs. This allows you to build upon investment and easily support ongoing business change.
Simple solution accelerating your Cloud Migration.
GARNET8 Collaboration Clouds (G8CC) allows you to deliver faster and higher returns. It provides a foundation to support ongoing business change and compliance. This allows you to modernise your legacy software. That empowers business agility..
G8CC provides a simple platform and framework. It empowers you to embrace database silos. It creates an agile integrated data platform. This modernises the concepts behind a data hub. G8CC integrates data without the replication created by Data Hubs and Warehouses. Removing the replication reduces complexity and risk. That creates agility and resilience.
G8CC removes replication. This creates a single data object to automate and join to. That allows you to mirror processes and tasks with real-time, joined-up information. This creates a foundation that you can automate, reuse and re-purpose. That supports business agility within the cloud. That delivers a powerful data mobility solution.
G8CC provides a simple, secure and powerful data sharing layer. This data gets shared with people and other services. This provides flexibility. That provides an affordable ongoing Cloud Migration.
With G8CC you easily create an integrated data platform. This allows you to continuously integrate databases. That provides a seamless view for line of business and visualisation.