Easily increase business agility.

Digital provides an opportunity to increase business agility. But, your database silos block this value.

By increasing business agility you can reduce risk and unlocks greater value. This dramatically improves outcomes.

The ability to access and use information increases business agility. It provides a trusted source of data that gets reused, re-purposed, joined-up, visualised and extended. This unlocks business agility, reducing risk, providing a faster time to value.

Your data and IT block business agility.

Your personal and line of business silos and databases block business agility. They restrict access to information. This impedes your ability to use existing investments. That increases the cost of business change and impedes agility. To overcome this you need a structured data management software solution.

Your platforms, data hubs and warehouses have increased complexity. These have now become the new silos in your IT architecture. This has increased duplication and cost. That is because these "solutions" rely on an "extract" process. This copies data from one place to another. That creates multiple versions of the truth, making it hard to extend.

To increase business agility you must harness and simplify. This allows you to extend, reuse and re-purpose data building on existing investments.

Increase business agility by harnessing data.

You can increase business agility by harnessing data. Data-driven in your business reaches far beyond decisions. Data-driven underpins business agility. It allows you to drive business change. This empowers you to extend and re-purpose trusted, secure, governed data, faster.

By harnessing information you can unlock data mobility. Data mobility allows you to support business change faster at a lower risk. That increases business agility.


Your data architecture has become complex. The silos have lead to data hubs, warehouses and complex integration. These solutions have increased complexity because they rely on "extracting" data. This copies data from one IT system to another. These duplicate cost and make it hard to extend IT systems. That has created data sprawl, blocking business agility.

A secure data sharing layer unlock the value of data across silos. It embraces database silos and allows you to merge and join information. That allows you to reuse and build on existing investments.

An affordable solution to increase business agility.

G8CC's a simple solution to harness database silos. It allows you to quickly and easily integrate and extend existing data. This empowers you to increase business agility faster.

G8CC provides a middleware platform and distributed data sharing layer. The middleware platform integrates and manages existing data sources. With the data sharing layer providing a secure way to manage and extend data.

This creates a simple, powerful integrated data platform. It unlocks B2B data integration. That allows you to support current and future integration needs.

G8CC provides a simple, low risk solution for:

GARNET8's experience allows us to support your journey. We can:

  • Support data architecture design.
  • Provide Database Integration.
  • Deliver automated work-flows
  • Build views and real-time data streams.
  • Train IT and end users.

These provide an affordable, simple, low risk way to modernise your data platform. That increase business agility, unlocking value.

Contact GARNET8 today. Start a journey to a modern, governed agile foundation to unlock business agility.

Simple, scalable, solution to increase business agility.

A proven software framework that harnesses the flexibility of digital.

Harness your data. Remove the replication and wastage. Harness governance and data access to unlock business agility.

Contact us here today to create a data platform that suits your ongoing needs.

With G8CC you can:

Deploy anywhere.

Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.

Access Management.

G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.

Save Money.

Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.

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