Digital creates an opportunity to simplify and secure B2B Data Integration. But, this hasn't been leveraged because your business is reliant on copying data across silos.
Poor data access impedes B2B Data Integration. It's led to your Business and its partners copying data across email, spreadsheet and database silos. These silos have led to disjointed and high risk data management. That blocks data Integration, management and collaboration, increasing errors, risk and costs.
Your Businesses disjointed data management has led to multiple versions of data strewn across silos. The disjointed data management forces data to get copied across silos and business boundaries. This impedes security, compliance and your businesses competence. It also blocks agility, making it harder to mitigate risk while increasing the use of outdated information for analysis and collaboration.
Your reliance on copying data across silos creates two issues. The first issue is that the data owner loses physical and logical control of their data. That means they aren't notified of updates and creates compliance issues. Such as how the data is processed and where the data gets stored. The second issue is a consequence of the first loss of control and means data doesn't get shared. These issues have led to a loss of value and greater costs, creating disjointed data management and collaboration processes.
Your lack of or complex B2B Data Integration leaves your business and its partners open to greater competition from more agile competitors. Competitors who are willing to embrace data and technology, to reduce costs and improve customer services.
Contact us here to learn how we can help you deliver agile B2B Data Integration that reduces ongoing costs.
How do we help you secure and simplify B2B Data Integration?
Our focus is on securing data access to enable agile, collaborative B2B Data Integration in a robust platform. This allows you to start your B2B Data Integration small and easily scale across departments and onboarding partners.
Digital creates an opportunity to enable agile B2B Data Integration by securing Data Access. But, this hasn't been leveraged by other solution providers. That's because many are reliant on the additional infrastructure or consultancy incomes that come from creating new silos and making B2B Data Integration complex.
We enable businesses to leverage connectivity and digital flexibility to secure fine-grained access to a single version of data. We build on this concept to remove the copying of data across silos. This enables flexible B2B Data Integration that creates agility in a robust platform.
Securing a single, reusable version of data with fine-grained access management creates many benefits. This include:
- Building agility across silos and business partners.
- Enabling a faster time to value and lowers ongoing Integration costs.
- Allowing data to be reused and combined from a single source.
- Improving data quality and engagement across Business Partners.
These reduce ongoing costs, allowing B2B partners to mitigate risk faster. That improves ongoing business competence and strengthens relationships between business partners.
Contact us here to learn more about how we can empower you to secure B2B Data Integration.
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See how others benefit from:
- Removing duplicated effort.
- Faster time to value.
- Lower ongoing costs.
- Collaboration.
- Higher quality information.
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How does G8CC our robust B2B Data Integration platform provide a modern alternative?
G8CC secures a unique data object that gets built on across B2B Data Integration. This empowers businesses to detect changes and respond faster. That mitigates risk.
G8CC provides an innovative, powerful, yet simple solution to enables B2B Data Integration. It empowers companies to share, access, combine, automate and collaborate on data. This unlocks the value of your B2B Data Integration.
A distributed data sharing creates agility. It controls access to data and manages views. These views are simple to extend across traditional borders. That unlocks trust. This creates a flexibility that makes B2B data integration simple.
A distributed data sharing layer mixed a middleware platform unlocks value.
The middleware allows you to connect to existing data sources. This abstracts out the need to transform data into a third party. That removes the "extract" process that copies data.
G8CC creates a shared data solution that harnesses digital and its underlying connectivity. It removes your need to replicate data across traditional borders. This vastly reduces the complexity when undertaking your B2B data integration.
This creates an innovative, simple integrated data platform.
Our solution G8CC provides an efficient tool to implement B2B data integration systems. It provides a faster time to value, lowering ongoing costs.
G8CC provides a simple, low risk solution for:
- B2B Data Integration.
- Supply Chain Visibility.
- Supplier Collaboration Software.
- Supply Chain Management for Small Business.
- Supply Chain Collaboration Software.
- Secure Data Sharing.
- Multi Enterprise Collaboration.
GARNET8's experience allows us to support your journey. We can:
- Support data architecture design.
- Provide Database Integration.
- Deliver automated work-flows
- Build views and real-time data streams.
- Train IT and end users.
These provide an affordable, simple, low risk way to modernise your data platform. That increase business agility, unlocking value.
Contact GARNET8 today and start your journey to a modern, agile foundation that supports current and future B2B Data Integration needs.
Harness your data, removing replication and wastage, enabling you to create business agility and unlock your B2B Data Integration.
Contact us here today to create a secure B2B Data Integration solution with G8CC.
With G8CC you can:
Deploy anywhere.
Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.
Access Management.
G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.
Save Money.
Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.