B2B data integration has become reliant on syncing data. This underpins the complexity in your data architectures. Digital creates an opportunity that hasn't been harnessed for B2B data connectivity.
B2B data connectivity improves communications. This empowers you to increase productivity. It reduces wastage and risk, securely unlocking business visibility. That allows you to collaborate and make decisions faster.
Digital allows data to get joined-up, reused and extend. These create agility and resilience. That empowers you to unlock value.
Your current data management doesn't harness digital value. It is reliant on syncing data. This replicates data between silos. These increases risk and there cost.
Harness a unique data object to unleash B2B data connectivity.
Digital and its underlying connectivity allows you to harness a unique data object. This creates a single data object of the truth. The truth gets shared, joined-to and extend across B2B borders. This improves data quality and visibility.
By harnessing a data object you streamline B2B data connectivity and unlock agility.
This moves you beyond just connecting data. It allows you to build on trust and release faster business change. This harnesses data change.
When you harness data change you unlock new opportunities. It allows you to move towards real-time visibility. That allows you to unlock automation, visualisation and learning. This improves collaboration, creating a competitive advantage.
G8CC streamline B2B data connectivity.
It unlocks agility and creates a 360 degree view of structured data applicable to you.
With G8CC you can connect to and securely release data value. It provides a secure data sharing layer. This empowers you to joined-up and extend data, creating value and agility. G8CC uses views to manage access and structure. These views get used in line of business systems or visualisation systems.
That unlocks agility. This is because you can reuse views for multiple things.
G8CC encapsulates two functionality. It provides a:
- Middleware platform to integrate databases.
- Distributed data sharing layer to manage access to trusted data.
A distributed data sharing layer mixed with a middleware platform allows you to unlock agility.
G8CC provides a simple, low risk solution for:
- Integrated supply chain.
- Integrated healthcare data management.
- Collaborative networks.
- Police and Public Sector Institutions.
- B2B data integration.
- and many more.
GARNET8's experience allows us to support your journey. We can:
- Support data architecture design.
- Provide Database Integration.
- Deliver automated work-flows
- Build views and real-time data streams.
- Train IT and end users.
These provide an affordable, simple, low risk way to modernise your data platform. That increase business agility, unlocking value.
Contact GARNET8 today. Start your journey to a modern, agile foundation that supports current and future B2B integration needs.
Secure, scalable, solution to streamline B2B data connectivity.
A proven software framework that harnesses the flexibility of digital.
Harness your B2B data connectivity. Unlock agility and lower cost with G8CC. Create agility and resilience, outperforming competitors.
Contact us here today to streamline your B2B data connectivity.
With G8CC you can:
Deploy anywhere.
Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.
Access Management.
G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.
Save Money.
Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.